Weather monitoring:
We carefully monitor weather conditions at both the origin and destination. If extreme temperatures are expected along the shipping route or at the destination, it may be best to delay the shipment until the weather improves. For shipments during challenging conditions, we recommend using ice packs or heat packs to help maintain a safe temperature for the live snails during transit. Additional ice or heat packs are available for purchase in our store if needed.
Please Choose Your Shipping method Based on Weather Forecasts:
• Below 5°F: Do not ship.
• 5°F to 19°F: Next-day air with a heat pack.
• 20°F to 39°F: 2-day air or next-day air with a heat pack.
• 40°F to 79°F: Regular shipping (priority or ground).
• 80°F to 89°F: 2-day air or next-day air with ice packs.
• Above 90°F: Do not ship.
We plan shipment carefully to avoid extreme temperatures. always ship the snails early in the week to minimize transit time and reduce the chances of them being exposed to excessive heat over the weekend.
Orders placed between 12 PM PST on Monday and Wednesday will be shipped the same day. Orders placed after this cutoff time will be shipped the following day. For orders placed after 12 PM PST on Wednesdays or during weekends, they will be shipped on the following Monday.
The recipient can track the package's arrival date and time. Request that the buyer be available to receive the package promptly to minimize the time the snails spend in transit.
Shipping live garden snails requires careful consideration to ensure their safety and well-being. Here are the safest methods of packing we can provide:
* Moisture environment: we added dampened, non-toxic substrates like leaf litter and veggie snacks to the snail container to maintain humidity and prevent dehydration.
* Ensure proper ventilation: There are small air holes included in the container, allowing for adequate airflow without compromising the security of the snails.
* Double packaging: The snail container is inside a cardboard shipping box, with a breathable Honeycomb Paper Cushion, This extra layer can provide additional protection against temperature fluctuations.
* Weather Protection Options: Buyers can purchase add-on heat packs or ice packs to help minimize the snails’ exposure to extreme heat or cold during transit.
Shipping Guidelines

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